
Southeast Asian migrant workers' creative writing started in the 90s, and recently, Indonesian migrant workers in Taiwan's literary movement have been the most celebrated. Due to the popularization of mobile phones and writing Apps, many writers serialize their works through the Internet. Among them, romances are most welcomed by the readers. 

Apart from love and romance, novels in the name of love also reflect the author’s notions of love and gender relationships under his or her culture. We hope that through the writing of romances, we can see a more diversified side of migrant worker literature. 

Not Just Love Stories team initiated the literary creative experiment between Taiwanese and Indonesian writers in 2021. Indonesian migrant writers, Tari and Evi, as well as Taiwanese writers, Yang Shuang-zi, Xiao Jun-yi, and Lin Hsin-Huei, were invited to co-write the novel in the name of love through "story solitaire" and "shared theme" approaches. In 2022, apart from the literary creations, we also invited Indonesian migrant worker photography groups to turn the texts into photos, allowing the visual images to narrate feelings and emotions. 


第一章 吉南蒂

by Evi Agustika

1. 家庭風暴 Prahara Keluarga 我把機車停在院子,這裡是我每天住的地方,也是我老公的奶奶家。我和希卡剛從娘家回來,見完我的父母和我兩個寶貝。別問我和心愛的孩子分離有多痛,我只能委屈自己去換一個另完整的家庭。我拉著希卡瘦小的手進屋裡。還來不及打招呼,漢德羅就開門露出凶狠的眼神。 (more)