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Our Romance愛的週刊

縫隙 Interstices

by 許祐綸

是污白文字下的厚膠片 眼角的光游移成一道靜止的階 是指間玻璃珠子輕碰抖落水痕   是滿架物件與 包裹著彩紙的糖 囤著悠長的念頭翻篇   是豆子裡的鹹味 是奶漿的甜稠,肉塊的辣嘴 咀嚼 (more)

Art CreationMicro Residency

LAI Wei-yu

In addition to visual artistic creations, Lai Wei-yu is also committed to music performance. (more)

Art CreationMicro Residency

Liu Chun-liang

Liu Chun-liang stationed in Store No. (more)

Art CreationMicro Residency

WU Mei-chi

For a long time, Wu Mei-chi's works have been usually inspired by objects that she adores. (more)

Our Romance訪談


by 宋家瑜
