Our Romance

The official stationing of Not Just Love Stories team in Store No. 163 of the Jinwanwan Department Store started in September 2022. Being the physical spot of the project, it had conducted a series of field research as if it had fallen in love with Jinwanwan and the surrounding communities. 

The store was open on Sundays, offering free photography in exchange for a love story. The team also used one single flower as an invitation in order to have a simple conversation and interaction. The community’s imagination, projection, and practice of love, as well as the keywords of love, dating places, and love song lists, were collected. Additionally, in more intimate in-depth interviews, we tried to use photos to record the text of feelings. Through the florist's hands, we turned the stories into bouquets that were gifted to the interviewees. The field research also included a mini-residency project in which three artists, Liu Chun-liang, Wu Mei-chi, and Lai Wei-yu were invited to station for a week in Store No. 163. With the creators’ views, we hoped to find a new pathway that resonates with the community.

Our Romance愛的週刊

縫隙 Interstices

by 許祐綸

是污白文字下的厚膠片 眼角的光游移成一道靜止的階 是指間玻璃珠子輕碰抖落水痕   是滿架物件與 包裹著彩紙的糖 囤著悠長的念頭翻篇   是豆子裡的鹹味 是奶漿的甜稠,肉塊的辣嘴 咀嚼 (more)

Our Romance訪談


by 宋家瑜


Our Romance訪談


by 張筱翎


Our RomanceField Research Stories

May We Be Together at This Moment when We Sing the Song

by Fiona Yu-lun, HSU

Pens and papers were left by the shop window of Store No. 163 in Jinwanwan. The passersby could write down their interpretations of love at their will. (more)

Our RomanceArticles by Team

To the Love and Pain in Movement

by Fiona Yu-lun HSU

Hi! This is Fiona. In the past three years, my friends and I had different journeys in different times and spaces where we met different you. The theme of journeys was romance--and love. (more)